Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Through the Happy Glass(es)

Kelly speeding by on her Trikke, and
Sam My Man looking weirded out...
as usual.


  1. How did you do that?

  2. Tee hee! It's not often I get one by you. I started with two lousy photos and used the cheap ol' image software that came on my computer to turn up the contrast, color, and sharpness.

    In my excitement at what I'd done, I hollered for Kelly to come look. Her comment? "You didn't know you could do that?" Children!

  3. Maybe if you'd edited it so that Sam was riding the Trikke, she would've been impressed...

  4. Yeah, she probably would have!

  5. Those are pretty! I spent two weeks trying to make a New Year's postcard with photoshop and just barely got it done. My son spent a couple hours on it and made all kinds of super neat stuff.

    I concur: Children!

  6. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Boy, that Trikke thing looks like a blast!

  7. KNH: And it seems the younger they are, they know even more than I do. J must be brilliant!

    Pam: And a great workout once you figure out how to ride it. I have fun laughing at how clumsy I am, but Kelly's pretty smooth on it by now. You can find 'em at WonderWorks.
