Every thing grows in southern California. Just need some dirt and a little water, stick it in and -- Voila!
The problem comes when I try to grow tomatoes. The plant gets huge. I've tried everything -- stakes, lines, cages, freestyle -- nothing keeps the darn things up.
This year I think I've solved it with my plant in a bag. I ordered the bag online from Gardener's Supply, stuck my plant through the bottom and filled it up with some time release fertilizer and dirt (I think the proper term is soil -- where I grew up in Kentucky, it was dirt).
Two weeks into the experience all's going well. The plants are healthy, growing, and the bugs can't get to them. They're still trying to decide whether to grow up toward the sun or down with gravity.
I think I'll be giving up the ground garden!
Ingenious! I can't wait to see what kind of tomatoes you get. Did you say you're growing herbs this way too?
Yep. Plan to have my own hanging parsley and basil. I'm tired of sharing my herbs with the slugs.
OMG, this is fantastic! Like Pat I can't wait to see what kind of tomatoes grow too. And what a lovely way to conquer the bug problem.
KNH, Simple to do. The tomato plants are still doing well, I'm surprise how much water they take but they are water efficient as only the small amount of soil is watered -- an important fact in southern CA where we are water conscious. More pictures to follow as they progress.
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